Downgrade to Win 7 on Vaio Pro 11 SVP112A1CL? - Sony's ... 2014年1月2日 - I just got my wife a new Vaio Pro 11 to replace her old Vaio. It runs Windows 8 and after ...
Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM for Sony - Mobile01 最近想為A55 購了一支廣角鏡,因為之前用Sigma 85 F1.4 不管是銳利度&發色都很喜歡, 一直在等這隻Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC HSM for Sony,之前 ...
Sony - VAIO Pro 13 - Win7 安裝 - 筆電討論區 - Mobile01 VAIO Pro 13 在 Win7 下,依照目前官方釋出的驅動程式來說,各項功能均正常(包括常用... ... iamwct wrote: 我將Pro13灌成W...(恕刪) i大,想請問您一下, 我安裝完所有的驅動之後會發生藍芽滑鼠無法配對的問題,
Sony VAIO Pro wifi failure - YouTube Sony VAIO Pro 13 has faulty wifi module. It is many times slower than any other wifi enabled equipment (other laptops, tablets, even smartphones). VAIO Pro works properly only when wifi signal is strong (ie. close to the router) provided signal is better
(圖) 呼,搞定了,VAIO Pro 11完美降Win 7,背光鍵盤… | 愛瘋誌 2013年10月10日 - (圖) 呼,搞定了,VAIO Pro 11完美降Win 7,背光鍵盤… ... 感謝Sony神人Kao大的協助~.
呼,搞定了,VAIO Pro 11完美降Win 7 - Facebook 呼,搞定了,VAIO Pro 11完美降Win 7,背光鍵盤,USB 3.0,熱鍵全都可用,驅動只差少用的NFC沒辦法以外 ...
Microsoft Surface Pro vs Sony VAIO Duo 11 Comparison Smackdown - YouTube Lisa Gade compares the Microsoft Surface Pro with the Sony VAIO Duo 11 Windows 8 tablets. Both run on an Intel Core i5 ULV CPU with HD 4000 graphics with fast SSD drives and at least 4 gigs of RAM. But the Sony Vaio Duo 11 is more of a computer replacemen
Bluetooth and Windows 8 on Sony Vaio Pro 11 Ultrab... - Sony's Community Site Bought a new Sony Vaio. Came with Windows 8 preinstalled. The first week the bluetooth worked fine. Added a device, a Braven 650 speaker. No pr... ... Most likely the Bluetooth driver is not working .. I have the same issue on my Vaio Tap 11 as well. To c